Specifying a persona involves assigning a fictitious name and face ( photo) to a system user and then writing a rough description of a day in that person's work life. 指定角色包括为系统用户分配假想的名称和面容(照片)并撰写一篇工作生活中一天的大体描述。
The other students should read the sentence they have and say if they think their sentence is a good description of the person in the picture. 其它同学读一下自己手里的句子,看看自己手里的句子能否很好地描述图片里的人物。
Can you provide a description of the missing person? 你能描述一下那个失踪者吗?
I-Define the Job Description of our team, recruit suitable person to meet the need of projects and team management. 确定团队各个岗位的职责和要求,为项目和行政管理招募、推荐合适的员工。
Offering a realistic scenario, a realistic description of such a person Ivan Ilyich doesn't give us any reason to think that most of us or many of us are in his situation. 提供一个比较真实的场景,给出一个对Ivan,Ilyich这种人比较现实的描述-,并不足够给我们理由来认为,我们中大部分就会和他的情况相同。
Product description: the gods of Olympus, most call a person helpless, is small Cupid. 产品说明:奥林匹斯山的众神中,最叫人无可奈何的,就是小爱神丘比特。
One member of the teams counts and calls the description and quantity of each item. The other person lists the description and quantities on an inventory sheet. 一个人清点,报告品名和数量,另一个人负责填写盘存表,填写品名和数量。
The clearer your description of the person you'd like to be, the more likely it is that you'll live the life you'd like to see. 对你想要成为的那个人的描述越详细,你就越有可以过上你想要的那种生活。
A verbal picture or description, especially of a person. 人物描写图片描写或语言描绘,尤指对一个人。
If the information receives states that the incident happened in front of the guest, obtain the description of the person involved immediately. 如果信息涉及到事件发生在客人面前的状态,立刻从牵扯人员处获得相关细节。
An illuminating description of state or condition of existence reached by a person on the attainment of parinirvana has been put into the mouth of the Buddha himself. 对一个国家的描述或一个人涅磐后能达到的存在状态已经放到了佛他自己的嘴里。
The 3R model increase the description based on reliance relation of institutional framework between roles in existing role-oriented model, make procedure can orientate the special person rely on this kind relation between the executor in the course of carrying out. 在现有的面向角色的二元工作流模型的基础上增加了角色之间基于组织结构的依赖关系的描述,使流程在执行过程中能够依靠这种前后执行者之间的关系描述对后继执行角色进行人员定位。
This paper concerns the formalized morphological description and analysis of Uighur noun ( number, person and case etc). 本文对维吾尔语名词的形态变化(名词的数、人称、格等语法范畴)进行了形式化的描述和分析。
Description of Responsible Person in Machine Readable Catalogue Should Unify 机读目录中责任者的著录应该统一
Relative to IQ, "EQ" represents a measure and description of a person's "emotional". EQ是相对于智商,用于测定和描述人的情绪情感的一种指标。
On the basis of the description of the library culture's definition, constitution and characters, this article defines the development mode of library culture in new information environment; Advocate the library management idea in core of the person; Strengthen its culture function; 在描述图书馆文化的定义、构成及特征的基础上,提出信息环境下图书馆文化的发展模式要倡导以人为本的图书馆管理思想,强化文化职能,积极参与市场竞争。
The description of "the finite rational being" isn't the whole of person, which could approach the highest good incessantly. We should be only determined by the moral law to expose our dignities! 有限理性存在者的描绘远远不是人的全部,人可以向至善无限地趋近,我们就应该让道德法则决定我们的行为,彰显我们的尊严!
Phenomenology influ enced humanistic psychology by being concerned with ( a) the direct description of inner experience rather than causal analysis, ( b) human subjectivity, ( c) the value and meanings of being a person. 现象学对人本主义心理学的主要影响:①关注内在经验的直接描述而不是因果分析或实证说明;②关注人的心理活动的主观性和意向性;
Rousseau plants his creation of root in the enlightenment literature, devoting every effort to the depiction of the "natural person", and advocates his interpretation to it through vivid description of the" new person ". 卢梭的创作植根于启蒙文学的土壤,对启蒙文学中着力描写的自然人形象,他予以浓墨重彩的书写,并以新人形象的描绘表达了自己对自然人的新的理解与诠释。
The Social Sharing of Emotion is a common phenomenon in daily life. It entails a description of the emotional event by the person who experienced it to some addressee, in a socially shared language. 情绪的社会分享是人们生活中常见的现象,指经历情绪事件的人用一种社会性分享的语言向某些对象对该情绪事件进行详细描述。
Novels on the unprivileged grassroots show concern to not just individuals but the unprivileged group in the whole society. They reflect on the society and times through personalized description and return to the fate of the person himself. 底层小说关注的不是单个的人,而是整个社会的弱势群体,以个性化的书写折射社会性和时代性,真正回到人物命运本身。